The Five-time National Champions!
According to the Team, they have just passed inspection and crossed the finish line. Congratulations to everyone!
More details to follow.
More details to follow.
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan
The leaders and best!
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
The champions of the West!
Congratulations team on bringing home another National Championship! A 9-hour lead over the competition -- quite impressive! The years of hard work have paid off. Way to go!
-Michael '05
Congratulations team! I'm proud to have been a part of this victory.
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan
The leaders and best!
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
The champions of the West!
Go Blue! (Everyone sing along!)
Go Blue! Well done team. You've done yourselves, your sponsors, your school and alumni well!
Good job, team! Go Blue!
It has all been said already...but can't be repeated too much: Hail to the Victors Valiant, Leaders and the Best! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Congratulations! I'm proud to have been of assistance and my company is a very proud sponsor. Thanks - now go try some local beer. :)
-Robert Vogt IV
Head Strategist '03 & '05
Principal Engineer
Caflor Industries
Since its the end of a sporting event, you also need to throw in "Yellow and Blue"
Sing to the colors that float in the light;
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Yellow the stars as they ride through the night
And the reel in a rollicking crew;
Yellow the fields where ripens the grain
And yellow the moon on the harvest wain;
Hail to the colors that float in the light
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
Blue are the billows that bow to the sun
When yellow robed morning is due.
Blue are the curtains that evening has spun
The slumbers of Phoebus to woo;
Blue are the blossoms to memory dear
And blue is the sapphire and gleams like a tear;
Hail to the ribbons that nature has spun'
Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue!
You guys rock! We all knew this car was this good, and you finally proved it once and for all. Here's to everyone who helped design, build, fund, support, and race this fine product of Michigan talent and spirit (I'm toasting with cold coffee, being at work, but it will be with something more potent when I get home). Hail to the Victors!
Congratulations all! A job well done by each and every one of you. I'm proud of the team.
This is even better than kicking some butt in the BCS championship game.
It's great to be a Michigan Wolverine!
Go Blue!
Congratulations Michigan! It has been so much fun to read your blog and watch your success. Have fun celebrating in Calgary. From the mom of a Principia team member.
jose, don't forget "Temptation" and "Hawaiian War Chant". Somewhat harder to type though, being instrumental.
Bum bum, bum bum bah BUMMMM! (claw arm waving thing)
Garrick, what about cowbell, we need more cowbell. Lets Go Blue
You know I never really rode with the caravan but I always envisioned having the speaker playing Temptation as we passed another team.
Congrats guys! Well done! You've been a great representative for our school, sponsors, and past team members to be proud of.
Hail! Hail! to Michigan
The leaders and best!
Go Blue!
Jason Kramb
Aero / Driver '99, '01
Who's up for celebrating in Ann Arbor?
Hey, Bill, Ron, Dan, Donna, Jim, Joe, Mike, Mark, Geri, Michelle, Fred, Colleen, Doreen, and Betty! Your nephew, Doug, just won his second national championship!
I said to Mrs. Lambert, "Mrs. Lambert, your son just won his second national championship!"
She replied, "This is good."
Somebody tell Grandma Lambert her grandson just won his second national championship. (You know she doesn't use the internet.)
Hey Lukas,
Dmass and Adam Sloan ('03) and Rondi ('03) and Skip ('03 & '05) and other peoples will be going out tonight, feel free to give me a call or email for details.
Way to go team - we are so proud of you!
Huzzah to the team with the biggest budget.
Remember folks, it's only a competition if it's an even playing field. First place or last means nothing. It's about the event, raising awareness, the experience, and all that sort of thing. "Winning" is less of a thing to be proud of than simply participating.
Congrats to everyone, participants and fans alike. We all win with this sort of event.
Winning It All!
Hey, Confucius said, "Winning is good." Or was that Vince Lombardi?
Give me few minutes and I'll start wondering about how the other teams did. For a little while, I'm still doing the happy dance.
Prin has to be second. Bochum and Waterloo could be reversed, but I highly doubt it.
Go blue! And major congratulations!
Glad to have been a part of the project, and definitely feeling the need to do more in the future!
Technotaoist actually brings up a very good point - we forgot to thank the business team!
Huzzah for those hardworking souls who put literally thousands of mostly thankless hours into building the connections with industry and the university, who made this the best supported Michigan solar car to date. Michigan has been the "big market team" for so long that it's easy to forget all the hard work necessary to make it happen. None of this can be taken for granted. Phone calls and legwork at not nearly as flashy as molding carbon, but they are every bit as critical to our continued success.
And huzzah for the sponsors, who have believed in and supported this team from the beginning and who donated far, far more than just money or material. The fact that a number of them are following the race and posting on this blog just goes to show their true dedication and how addictive the spirit of this sport is. It couldn't happen without them.
That this team has maintained their drive and dedication through so much is a testament to how this is about much more than winning or losing. And of course the real benefit of this event goes far deeper than trophies and titles. But that said, it still feels awful good to bask in victory for a bit. Go Blue!
Congratulations on continuing the Michigan tradition.
It was a pleasure to work with you, and I can't wait for the next project.
Oh, and to the strategy crew: it was beautiful. :-)
Russ Moerland
Strategist '96-'01
Can someone please tell me what time Michigan left Medicine Hat and went through Brooks (Petro Canada station)? Thanks and congratulations!
Okay, getting tired of dancing now. Have any other teams crossed the finish line yet? The GOES-West weather satellite shows clouds over southern Alberta. Obviously, that will slow the cars down. Principia and Bochum both had low reserves (or none) in their battery packs. Someone reported hearing another bang! from Minnesota's car and seeing them on the side of the road.
What I'm building up to is I expect Waterloo to cross the line second. How the Canadian crowd will roar! If they beat Bochum in by more than 22 minutes, they could move up to 3rd overall.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Well done to the entire team for a very impressive win!
It looks like UCalgary has finished.
From Queen's GPS feed, it looks like they have crossed the finish line too.
^That link also has photos of Michigan crossing the finish line
To anonymous who asked about Brooks: They left Medicine Hat about 9:00 MDT (11:00 EDT). Michigan would have reached Brooks (Mapquest says 67 miles) between 10:10 and 10:40.
Just got out of a meeting and ran to the blog to check if you'd won yet. :D GO BLUE! So proud of you all!! Happy celebrating!
Here is a direct link to the Flickr photostream of the finish line:
Amazing job everyone!!! It's so great to see the sweat, blood, and tears (and I mean all of those quite literally) that everyone has put into Continuum over the past 3 years end like this! Also, thanks Garrick for the recognition and thanks to all of our alumni...hmm I guess that's me now too...for creating this base for us to build on! I hope that we've made our sponsors proud! If any sponsors or alumni happen to be in the Philly area and want to celebrate let me know :)
Can't wait to hear how the other teams did - Michigan has been amazing with keeping their blog updated! Has everyone crossed the finish line or are cars still out?
TC--just told Grandma. Won by nine hours! She said, "you mean they came in first?" Yep--they sure did.
Congratulations to all! You're hard work, dedication and commitment has shown through since that fateful day in Darwin. You all said you had something to prove and you now have left your legacy with no doubts!
All the best, Bob
This comment has been removed by the author.
Here's the first press coverage that I was able to find: . In addition to Continuum's first place finish, they report that Calgary was seventh across the finish line, but Calgary's probable sixth-place standing had not yet been confirmed.
Congrats team!
Nice going, everybody. And you don't need to marathon it back to Ann Arbor to get it over to Australia, either. Lucky dogs.
Ann Arbor's already celebrating, here's a nice article posted front and center on, with quotes from Mary Sue Coleman -
2319 miles in about 51.5 hours = 45.0 mph average. Michigan's 2005 car Momentum still holds the speed record. (Time for Robert to gloat.) If the worn brake pad penalty were removed, that would take an hour off. 2319/50.5 = 45.9 mph, still short of the 46.2 mph record. To break the record, Continuum would have had to finish in under 50 hours and 12 minutes.
Still, you have to admit Continuum's performance was not too bad. Not too bad at all.
Absolutely not bad at all. :) I'm very interested in seeing the final standings will all the teams in there, especially with Bochum and Waterloo being so close.
Missouri S&T reported unofficial standings:
1) Michigan
2) Principia
3) FH Bochum
4) Waterloo
5) Minnesota
6) Calgary
7) Missouri S&T
Almost exactly as I predicted 10 days ago, except for positions 2 - 7. Actually, I did predict Bochum #3. So I got two right. And by my calculations, that's 95% correct.
Sure... we love all the press we can get but...
How many mistakes can you spot in this relatively short article?
I sent the Canucks an email detailing the errors... Michigan State, jeez...
looks like Calgary TV's got their clip up at
Just a thought, but this was the North American Solar Challenge, right? So wouldn't that be "Continental Champions"?
results are now posted at
Woohoo!!! Congratulations to the race crew on a great race and to everyone on the team who contributed to another championship! It's been fun to follow along. =) Have fun celebrating now and back in AA!
-Ashley Milne
'01 Race Crew
Awesome car + Awesome team =
Congratulations on an absolutely stunning prep & rayce.
Well done BLUE.
Bob Allan
Blue ... is clear! LOL. Sorry Peter, just too funny to pass up. :-P
An amazing result. Thanks to your hard work and motivation, you've managed to uphold the tradition of Michigan Solar Car.
During the next few days, make sure to remember and reflect on the path that led you to this point. I wish that each one of you is successful at finding the same passion in your lives as what you've shown in the days and months leading up to this amazing victory.
Hail! to the victors valiant!
Go Blue!
Peter B.
Crew Chief '05
Rbt, this is the happiest day of my life! (almost)
Lots of screaming going on at the moment!
Good on you Michigan, congratulations and salutations from Australia.
Hope to catch up with you next year in Adelaide.
From Alisha Cook :)
(Steve Cook's daughter!)
Congratulations on winning a fifth national championship!
It's a strange feeling to watch from so far away, after having been at the ground level of the project, but that doesn't make the moment any less special. Enjoy it!
BHP Billiton
To the German team:
Das Bochumer Team bauen ein schönes Auto und lief ein hervorragendes Rennen. Im Namen von Michigan's Fans, Studenten und Team, Sie haben großen Respekt verdient. Vielen Dank für Ihr Kommen bisher zu beteiligen. Woderful Leistung, einfach wunderbar.
Congratulations, awesome performance! Dr. Montgomery
Continuum Team -
Congratulations on your winning achievement! You make all U of M alumni, fans, and friends proud!
It was great fun visiting with you down in Dallas and following the race progress to Calgary online. I wish I could have seen the finish in person. I can't wait to see all the pictures you bring back. You now have stories that you'll tell for years.
You have truely accomplished something great, now Michigan has 5 solar car national championships, more than all other teams combined. Michigan completely dominated the race, in the lead from flag to flag, minus maybe a couple minutes on day 1. A record performance in many ways.
Jeff and Doug, you are in an elite group (of perhaps only two) who have won two of these races. It is certainly a testament to your dedication and hard work. Everyone contributed to your success - you have a great design team, maintenence crew, strategy, operations, and business. Your team has bounced back from countless challenges and proven you will always come out on top. Your efforts will catapault the next team to continued success and hopefully a world title.
Enjoy the celebration, have a safe trip home, and don't forget to bring the Wilson Cup! Go Blue!
- Maggie Hayes ME'03 Ops'05
Guess you get to keep the Little Solar Brown Jug, eh? Congrats!
Congratulations Team! Fantastic Rayce. Once again, you have made us proud.
Bob Gurrola
Alcoa Fastening Systems
Hail! to the victors valiant
Congratulations from a proud alum
Ivan ('03)
Congratulations for the win. I hope the team members all have a great time in Calgary.
Special thanks to Brooke, Chito, Chaio-Ting, and Chuck for chatting with me after the race in Calgary.
Congratulations y'all! Terrific job!
UMSOLAR Car Continium..the tradition continues
Congratulations to the new generation!!!
I'm so proud of you guys
Seun Noibi EE'05
OK TC Lambert, I entered your German text into Babelfish (Reverso). What I got was:
"The Bochumer team build a schnes car and an outstanding running ran. On behalf of Michigan's of fan, student and team, you have earned groen respect. To give a share many thanks Fr of your arrival up to now. Woderful performance(achievement), simply strangely."
Um--what was it supposed to say?
Good Job!! so what's the name of the driver?
Ron, that was exactly as I composed it in English!
OK, I translated with Google's translator. If you try retranslating with that, it comes out a little closer. Though I did learn the computer translators don't deal well with tyyppos.
I have to wonder, though how babelfish could translate wunderbahr as strangely.
Hooray! And go green!
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