Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some Images From Scrutineering

Now that we are stationed in Sioux Falls we have access to high speed internet which means pictures can finally be posted. Enjoy this set from Scrutineering in Cresson, Tx.

Steve practices egress and works to ensure he can get out of the vehicle in under 10 seconds.

Our car at the Mechanical Scrutineering Station being inspected by Dick and Greg.

Continuum completes the figure eight test with Brooke driving.

Our support vehicles and safety procedures are even inspected during Scrutineering. Jim, the safety officer for the event, speaks with everyone in the lead vehicle before we simulate an emergency situation.

Continuum flies past one of the corner workers while on the track.

Continuum qualifies! Steve completed 60 laps in a row, making us the first team to qualify for the race.

Another great picture of Continuum on the track. This was taken just after we completed the 60 laps required to qualify.

Chito and Jeff Rogers sit in our pit awaiting a driver swap on the first day of qualifying.

John stands with Continuum as we prepare to enter the track.

Red River College provided a wonderful dinner for all the teams.

Minnisota and Michigan line up at the start line to begin the second day of qualifying.

Jeff Ferman and Alex Dowling chat while watching Continuum on the track.

Doug speaks with the Brooke as she drives Continuum around the track. Gerald stands in the background watching Continuum fly around the track.

Minnesota and Durham leave the track at the end of the second day of Qualifying.

Dean Wisniewski and his mother, Rita - both buy-a-cell sponsors join Chito and the team to watch qualifying. Dean heads our relationship with one of our gold sponsors, Visteon, where he works.

Our Base-X tents set up just before a storm hit. The tent on the left was used as mess hall and as a vehicle tent for work. The second tent on the right was set up for sleeping.

The night sky at the track immediately after the storm passed over.

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