Friday, March 13, 2009

Momentum arrives in Aruba!

More than three years after MomentUM (our 2005 car) traveled to Australia to compete in the 2005 World Solar Challenge, MomentUM is once again back on the road! Invited by Mike Eman and the AVP, four team members have traveled with the car to Aruba to promote green energy. We are proud to be the first solar car in Aruba, and will be travling across the country this upcoming wed in celebration of the Aruban National Holiday and Flag day.

The four of us arrive in Aruba

After arriving late last night and spening a few hours touring the office and meeting Mike, we retired in preperation for a busy day today.

Meeting people at the AVP office Joe Belter, Jeff Ferman, David Mazur, and David Masselink at the AVP office.

This morning we traveled from interview to interview before heading out for a late lunch. We were featured live on two radio stations! We then spent the afternoon ensuring the car survived the journey (which it did) and preparing the car for upcoming events. After test driving the car, we are ready for tomorrow's press release.

The first radio station we visited.

David Masselink opens the crate to check on the car.

And now I'm going to head back inside and leave my nice lounge chair by the pool.

A view from my lounge chair of the pool at the apartment we are staying in.



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